Howard County child support attorney

Divorce is never easy, but the process can be even more complicated and emotional when children are involved. As a parent, you must support your children even if you are no longer married or in a relationship with the other parent.

Even if you were never married to your child’s other parent, you still have obligations and rights regarding child support. When it comes to calculating and understanding your legal rights and responsibilities, it is imperative that you speak with a qualified and experienced Howard County family lawyer. 

Fred L. Coover, Esquire of Coover Law Firm, LLC in Howard County, can help you during this challenging time. Call (410) 553-5042 today.

Howard County child support attorney

What Are Essential Aspects of Child Support Payments?

There are several essential elements of child support payments that you should keep in mind:

  • The paying parent will almost always be ordered to make monthly payments to the parent with custody of the child (custodial parent).
  • Child support must be made via direct money payment to the custodial parent. The paying parent cannot send money directly to the child.
  • The court retains the authority to change the child support order. It’s important to understand that these orders are not concrete and can be amended if conditions change.
  • Payment ends automatically when the child turns 18, dies, or becomes emancipated. Usually, a child will only be granted emancipation if they are married or self-supporting.

Maryland child support laws are often confusing for families and require much effort. Contact a Howard County child support attorney at Coover Law Firm today for assistance in determining and complying with state laws.

What Are Maryland Child Support Guidelines?

The Maryland Child Support Guidelines are a helpful tool for understanding your rights and obligations. These guidelines are the formula that Maryland employs to determine how much the custodial parent should receive and how much the non-custodial parent should have to pay.

Parents might also have shared physical custody (parents that have children overnight for more than 35% of the year). The guideline amounts will change depending on the parent’s income and the number of children supported.

2020 Update to Child Support Law

A new statute regarding sole and shared custody took effect on October 1, 2020. Before the change, “shared physical custody” meant that the parent without custody had the child in their care overnight more than 35% of the time (128 overnights each year). If the non-custodial parent had the child less than 35% of the time (less than 127 overnights each year), then sole custody guidelines went into effect.

Under the new statute, shared custody is applicable when the non-custodial parent has the child more than 30% of the time (100 or more overnights each year). The statute also limits the number of overnights from 35 to 25% of the time, meaning sole custody guidelines only apply in cases where the non-custodial parent has the child for less than 92 overnights per year.

This change will only apply to cases filed on or after October 1, 2020. To avoid confusion and possible mistakes in calculating support, consult with a Howard County child support lawyer at Coover Law Firm.

What Factors Determine Child Support in Maryland?

Courts will examine both parents’ financial situations and determine the amount of child support payable. The guidelines consider several factors in determining the amount:

Determine the parents’ actual income before taxes.

Actual income includes wages, salaries, Social Security benefits, workers’ compensation benefits, bonuses, dividends, commissions, disability benefits, interest income, and trust income.

Determine the adjusted monthly income.

Adjusted monthly income is actual income minus support and alimony obligations already paid.

Work-related child care expenses.

This includes daycare.

Health insurance and extraordinary medical expenses.

Any uninsured medical expense over $100, including dental treatments, orthodontic work, physical therapy, and mental health counseling.

These are just some considerations to remember when calculating the amount of child support payable under Maryland law. If you seek or challenge a deviation from the Maryland Child Support Guidelines, ensure an experienced Maryland Family Law lawyer represents you.

Child Support: More Than a Check

Child support isn’t limited to direct money payments. Many orders often address other needs, such as:

  • Maintaining the child’s beneficiary status on health and life insurance policies
  • Paying the total cost of after-school daycare
  • Paying for transportation costs to the parent with visitation rights (round-trip plane tickets, gas, etc.)

An experienced Howard County child support attorney will help you navigate this stressful time and ensure both parties act in the child’s best interests. Call Coover Law Firm today at (410) 553-5042.

Experienced Family Law Attorney Ready to Answer Your Child Support Questions

Questions regarding your situation should be directed to an experienced Howard County family lawyer like Fred L. Coover, Esquire. With over 35 years of experience, Fred L. Coover, Esquire of Coover Law Firm, LLC, can help answer all your questions about Maryland child support payments and obligations. 

If you have questions or concerns, contact a Howard County child support attorney with the Coover Law Firm, LLC in Columbia, Maryland, at (410) 553-5042 to schedule a paid consultation.

Child support resources in Howard County

Public Services

Child Support – Legal Support

  • Coover Law Firm, LLC
    • Phone: (410) 553-5042