Guardian ad Litem

A guardian ad litem is someone who takes a look at what living situation would be in the best interest of children after a divorce happens.

Not all custody cases will require a guardian ad litem. They are invited in when there is contention between two people getting a divorce about how the custody should be arranged. When there are issues such as potential substance abuse or there is concern that one parent might have unaddressed mental health issues, a guardian ad litem is asked to take a closer look.

The guardian has to also take into consideration what is best for the child in terms of their unique personality, relationship with their parents, and age. The guardian’s decision is private, meaning that only the people directly involved are allowed to read it.

Many people feel anxious about working with a guardian ad litem, but it’s important never to attempt to coach your child. Let the guardian do their job.

A Columbia, MD family law attorney can provide more information about guardians ad litem.