When do most divorces happen?

Whether you get married as a “June bride,” plan a winter-themed extravaganza, or opt for the cool temperatures and beautiful colors of fall, you do not enter a marriage thinking about divorce. And yet, almost half of marriages end in divorce. If you are wondering, “When do most divorces happen?” it might surprise you to learn that just as there are popular times of year to have a wedding, there are also trends for “popular” divorce times.

March and August, the months following the winter and summer holidays, are “peak” divorce periods and answer the question: “When do most couples divorce?” according to University of Washington sociologists. These findings led the researchers to conclude divorce timing may be “driven by a ‘divorce ritual’ calendar governing family behavior.”

That said, no matter when your divorce occurs, securing an experienced Howard County divorce lawyer is essential to help you navigate the process and protect your interests. Coover Law Firm, LLC, can provide the representation you need.

when do most divorces happen

What causes “prime” times for divorce

While summer vacations and winter holidays may provide that fresh start for some marriages, for others, they simply do not bring new, healing magic to old problems. Sometimes, these special times merely add to or expose the emotional stress building in a relationship. The reality does not meet expectations, highlighting the couple’s unhappiness.

According to sociologists at the University of Washington, the August surge can likely be attributed to the end of summer and the start of the school year. Family vacations are over, and family members return to “business” as the school year begins. Sadly, this business may include ending a marriage that is no longer healthy and moving on to a new family structure.

Is January “divorce month?”

In recent years, January has developed a nickname: “divorce month.” Searches of news sources quickly produce stories emphasizing the supposed trend generating this nickname. A look at Google trends shows a small spike in January but a more consistent surge in spring, late summer, and early fall, and the University of Washington researchers suggest January’s nickname is a bit of a misnomer. Their findings are more in line with Google’s search trends.

The researchers contend couples may need time to get their finances in order, find an attorney, or drum up the courage to pursue a divorce after the winter holidays, prompting the March divorce surge. They also surmise that longer days and increased activity associated with spring elevate mood and that elevated mood may encourage couples to consider divorce.

What to do if you are planning to divorce

When is divorce most common? According to research, in spring and late summer. But if you are planning to divorce or are in the midst of divorce proceedings, you need to partner with a Howard County divorce lawyer, whether in peak times or during divorce “off seasons.”

For superior representation, reach out to Coover Law Firm, LLC, by calling (410) 553-5042 or sending a message. With years of experience and a comprehensive understanding of Maryland’s divorce laws and procedures, Mr. Coover will support and protect your interests, managing your divorce with compassion and efficiency.