January Dubbed Divorce Month

In Maryland and throughout the country, January has become known as “divorce month.” Statistics show that most divorces happen in March and August, but filings spike in January. Legal experts believe that the rise in filings after the New Year is due to one reason: People don’t want to file during the holidays.
It is believed that many couples who are contemplating divorce, especially those with children, will push through the holidays in order to maintain the status quo. Experts suggest that the stress of the holidays can heighten negative feelings in a marriage, and couples may want to reevaluate their desire to split once the holidays have passed.
In other cases, say experts, couples who should divorce get caught up in the joy of the holiday season. They believe that they can make their marriage work. It’s only when the holidays are over and reality sets back in that these couples realize that a divorce is the only option. No matter the cause, one thing is certain: People file for divorce in record numbers when January rolls around.
One of the most important decisions you can make when facing a divorce in Columbia, MD, is choosing the right attorney. If you need assistance with a divorce, reach out to our office or browse our website to discover more about our firm. We are here to help you and will work to ensure you receive an equitable and fair settlement. Call our office today to schedule a consultation.