County in Maryland Successful in Collecting Support

In a perfect world, those ordered to pay child support would make timely payments without issue. Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen, despite a judge’s orders. In the state of Maryland, one county has reached a 92 percent collection rate when it comes to back child support.
According to the assistant director of child support in Washington County, there are about 5,700 open child-support cases. That average has held steady for the last five years. Thanks to the hard work of employees, collections hit $15,142,277 in 2016. The county received the Gold Plate Award for their performance in February of 2017.
The county doesn’t only collect back support, but it helps those who are having difficulty paying support due to a lack of employment find stable jobs. The agency partners with different organizations to make this happen. The agency finds, it says, that most parents do want to support their children but can run into barriers.
When parents, despite receiving help, fail to pay their child support, there are a variety of means that are employed to encourage payment. This may include the suspension of driver’s licenses, tax intercepts, lottery intercepts and the suspension of professional licenses. While incarceration is a possibility, it is most often used as a last resort.
If you need assistance with child support in Howard County, reach out to our experienced attorney. We will discuss your situation with you and advise you of your legal options. Call us today to schedule your $99 no-obligation case evaluation.